- Seamless capsules drying device
- Improvement air-permeability by double mesh
- Discharge capsules by basket Up-Down and reverse rotation
- Capsule air-gap can be expansion drying by static pressure and air volume
Batch Dryer
- It is a good dryer for small batch size with expensive products
- Can be connected to air duct from air handling unit
- Can be installed heater for fast dry
- Standard size of Capsules drying device
- Each basket can be individually controlled (Drying time, and speed)
- Basket size: Ø 650 X 838mm
- About 2,470 CFM/Basket
- Holding capacity: 25,000 caps
- Big batch size dryer
- Can be used for continuous drying system
- Basket size: Ø 730 X 1,320 mm
- Basket lift installed
- About 3,388 CFM / Basket
- Holding capacity: 55,000 caps
Double Deck
- It is high-efficient to be installed in not enough space.
- It is easy to take in/out baske